Does the title, Hitting Bottom, make you think of
erotica? It didn't to me, but then I
knew my story was about gambling and how some people have hit bottom meaning
they lost everything. So now, I'm
wondering if I should change the title to Losing Everything. I suppose that might clarify what the story is
about. lol Do
these two titles have different meanings to you?
I'm not sure if I'm going to change the title, or not, but
it is certainly something to think about.
Thank you for reading.
Have a great week, and I'll see you next weekend.
Sandra K. Marshall
I'm sure that some people will think it means spanking but there will be just as many who think about people hitting bottom. That's the rub about titles. They are one of the key pieces that make people want to buy your book...the three are title, cover, and blurb. That magical combination are what brings readers to notice your books. But the writing keeps them!
Hitting bottom reminds me of spanking, but that's cool. Songs often help me with titles. I like the titles of your other books, Addiction, the Deceived, Catalyst.
If I see the title, Hitting Bottom I would want to know more about the book. I would want to know why and what caused that person to hit rock bottom. Then I want to read how he/she picked themselves up and move forward.
Hitting Bottom does not mean erotica to me...but then I know the basis of your books.
I suppose some could think that, but after seeing the cover and blurb, they would realize the content. My first thought was "Rock Bottom" which I suppose could be also considered erotica! LOL
I personally like Hitting Bottom. The cover will tell more of what the book is about so you don't have to worry...people won't think it's erotica.
Adding rock, like Hitting Rock Bottom might help. But I like Hitting Bottom and don't think of erotica. Then it would be Hitting A@@ LOL I did think of Nowhere But Up, but that is a book by Justin Bieber's mom. (who knew?)
Personally I like Hitting Bottom and it certainly did not make me think of spanking. We all know the awful feeling of going down and down. Gives me the chills to think about it. Jane Toombs
Melissa, K.T., Rose, Kari, Dorothy, Jill and Jane; you guys are awesome. Thank you for coming by.
Hitting Bottom is short, memorable and, I think, it speaks to people 'Hitting Bottom'. The cover will be the tell all...just don't have anyone's bottom on it! lol.
My first thought upon reading the title Hitting Bottom was someone down on their luck. Not a bad title.
I don't think titles matter as much as covers do. Covers are what draws me in to look at the title and blurb
LOL Thanks, J. Hali.
Thank you, Historical Writer/Editor.
Thanks for coming by Blogovation.
I have really appreciated everyone's comments this week.
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