Sunday, April 3, 2011

Diversity: Do You Have More Than One Publisher?

Hi Everyone,

I am an author, and I've had books published with two publishers. My first publisher closed due to health problems, but there are many reasons why authors change publishers.

Some change because there editor leaves and the new editor is not as enthused about the author's work. Sometimes, an author will change genres, and there publisher doesn't publish that genre so the author moves on. Then there are editors and authors who butt heads, which causes that editor to drop that author. If an editor thinks an author is getting stagnant she/he might get dropped. An author may be offered more money at another house, so she moves there. There are many reasons for leaving a publishing company.

I'm old school and have a tendency to be loyal to those who are loyal to me. After all, I worked for the same company for 36 years before retiring, but does that work in the publishing industry? There isn't much loyalty out there these days between companies and employees. Our young people tend to move a lot, and it's usually for the money.

Do you know of any other reasons an author would move to a different publisher than the ones I've mentioned?

Have a great Sunday, and I'll see you next week.



Marianne Stephens said...

Some other reasons: lack of promo the publisher does, lack of enthusiasm among authors, publisher doesn't want children in books (happened to me).

Sandy said...

Thanks, Marianne. I can't imagine a publisher not wanting children in books unless they're erotica only publisher.

Unknown said...

SANDY--many ePresses don't nuture loyalty or seem to notice. I would have loved to stay with my first publisher, but the next two books in my series of four hit a roadblock.(severe rewrites required which I didn't agree with, plus they couldn't guarantee contracts for both. I could not allow one book to be left out. It felt quite cold, frankly.)I also knew some of my ms in my files would not fit a pure romance publisher, so I went shopping. I now have five publishers--scattered all over the place, and while I'm very happy to have all those "different" ones contracted/published, I really prefer having all my eggs in one basket.
This idea, too, is not good in the volatile world of epresses...or even the big ones. New pubs pop up every day, and a few close their doors every day. Maybe it's better, after all, to have your works in more than one publisher. Good question, Sandy.

Linda LaRoque said...

I agree with Celia, it's best not to have all your eggs in one basket with small pubs. If one folds, you have the other.

Also, some small pubs can't yet afford to have books put out in other stores (like and Barnes and limits an author's sales. An author might want other outlets until a pub grows.

Another factor, some pubs have specific guidelines and if you write something totally different, they may not want it. It's nice to have another publisher to publisher those books that don't fit into a specific box.

Loyalty is important, especially when talking about your publisher, editors, etc. But, you are a business person just as they are. They're doing what is best for their business. Authors have to do what's best for theirs.

Great topic!

Sandy said...

Thank you, Celia. I appreciate your comment.

Thank you, Linda. I agree with you and Celia a lot. I'm happy with my publisher right now, and they do put my books out to other stores like Amazon, Barnes and Noble plus many more.

Linda LaRoque said...

Hey Sandy, I know as I saw them yesterday. As a matter of fact, almost bought your newestest at Eirelander but glad I waited so i can now download it directly to my Nook. I'm glad you're pleased. Eirelander sounds like a great place to be.

Sandy said...

Yes, I think they are a great place to be, Linda. In the future, I think they could be industry leaders along with some others in the ebook industry.