We've had a couple of sunny fall days here in the mid-west, but next week it will turn warmer again.
This is my new book cover for A Fool's Fool. My publisher decided to separate the two stories in Fool Me Twice. My story can be found at Eirelander Publishing, http://www.eirelander-publishing.com, Amazon on Kindle and Barnes and Noble on Nook.Here is a blurb:
Pranks are carried too far.
Kathy O'Reilly, a strong-willed woman doesn't allow men to walk over her or anyone else. When one of the co-owner's of Gagsters, Norm Jokes, is allowed to get away with playing pranks, she speaks up to her boss.
Jason Barrone, co-owner of Gagsters is attracted to his assistant and will not allow his best friend to cause him to lose her. Jason wants them to be friends because he doesn't want to have to make a choice of who goes and who stays.
For those of you who would like to read more you can click on the title of my and read an excerpt at my website, or go to my publisher, Amazon and Barnes and Noble to read even more.
Thank you for visiting my blog today.
Best always,
Sandra K. Marshall
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